


Breeze reimagines social media by turning it into a tool to facilitate real-world communication. Breeze allows you to create parties, which are akin to chatrooms, but for real-world hangouts, parties, and events. Having a party at your house? Create a party, invite some friends, and post whatever you want as it’s going on. Here’s the awesome thing: if you’re in a party, all of your friends can see it, and if any of your friends are in a party, you can see theirs. See a party that you want to be a part of? Ask to join it. Want to talk to your friend? Create a private chat. Want to remember what you did last night? Check the party. Want to meet new people? Join a party.

Breeze is my solution to a problem far too many people face. Modern social networks aim to distract us from the real world — they ironically render us more antisocial. Countless times, I’d be hanging out with my friends only to realize we were all glued to our phones. We were all physically together, but might as well have been a thousand miles apart. For this reason, I created Breeze, which aims to facilitate real world communication, rather that distract from it.

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